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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

They say that "timing is everything" in life.

What about Glenn Beck giving up a national audience and an hour long show on a major network to walk out the front door at Fox just 3 weeks before it's all hitting the fan for old Rupert?
I'll give you something else to think about......
What if Rupert Murdoch takes such a bath in the press in the UK and from Obama's little, snoopy posse of FBI agents that he does wind up selling-out to Saudi Prince Talal.  Glenn Beck, after having worked with the folks at Fox for so long decides to seize the moment to do something he said that he would not do. 
He gets backing, establishes GBTV as a national, cable network and sits back to watch all his former associates at Fox jump ship as Obama's FBI investigation wrecks what's left of Fox;and, they all come looking for a job at GBTV. 
Makes me consider that the Big Man may be getting ready to pay Beck back for all the faith-based national initiatives like 8 / 28 and 9 / 12.