Phoenix Solutions USA is about your personal security!

We are about having a life assurance and personal security solutions for you and your family for whenever disaster strikes.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Droughts, Floods, Fires and WHEAT

From the Wall Street Journal.
"...paying nearly 40% more than a year ago for a 50-pound bag of flour..."

From Routers

Something about serving size and the price you are paying!

Are you prepared!

Cyber Attack

You wake up late for work, during the overnight, the power went out.  You reach for your cell phone to call your boss and let him know you are going to be late however, there is no cell service.  You hustle to get in to the shower and there is no water.  Frustrated, you get into your car and head to the office. Your usual AM talk channel is off the air, only static, as are the rest of the local channels.  You switch over to satellite radio and find out that there has been a wide spread cyber attack focused on your region. You look down at your fuel tank, thinking about returning home to your family.  Thinking it would have been wise to refuel before it got to a quarter of a tank.  Are you prepared?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Food Prices

Whatever happened to the the one pound bag of potato chips? If you look around, it is not only chips that are getting lighter yet costing the same amount if not more.
Are you prepared for a short term food interruption?

Click on image to see 15 1/8 oz

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Being prepared does not mean having something to be saved for a rainy day.

Whether wine, ammunition or your family we at P.S. USA can help you build your assurance package

Monday, May 23, 2011

Which kind of person are you?

Are you prepared? Check out minute 16.....

Thanks Glenn Beck!

"It sounded like a freight train!"

It is all gone, however the most important thing is that you and your family are alive! What is most important now?


First Aid to your and your family, neighbors.
Shelter in the short term
Food and water in the near term.

Yes that ATM is with Dorthy in OZ and you car is wrapped around a telephone pole.
Are you prepared?

Phoenix Solutions can help you prioritize what is important NOW!
Contact us for detail.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Center for Disease Control and the Zombie Apocalypse

An interesting way to get people interested in preperation for the unknown, the CDC is using Zombies as a tag line to get your attention.

Foxnews recently ran an article about "Zombie proof vehicles"

Although a custom armored SUV maynot be your style or within your budget, we at P.S.USA can assist you in modifying your current vehicle for enhanced protection or connect you with an armoring company to fit your requirements and budget.